Friday, July 6, 2007

Page 9

The rifle kicked back in my hands as it fired with a deafening roar of exploding gun powder. The force of it knocked me back onto my butt. Dropping the rifle, I leapt to my feet and charged the crib, relieved to find Jake wailing madly, as he stared up at the exploded head of the strange dead woman now hanging over the wall of his crib. Her brain bits were blubbery and green, and seemed to kinda glow in the dark.

"MOM!!!" I called out, followed by "DAD!!!" Though I hadn't needed to.

They each entered the room on command, one after the other. Eyes wide and silly terrified expressions on their faces, mimicking my own.

"What happened!" Mom says entering the room.

"I shot her!" I explained speaking so fast I could barely hear myself. "She was trying to do something to Donut and I shot her!"

They each crept up to the crib and peered in at the strange sight of the dead woman with the glowing green blobby brain bits that for the most part illuminated the room.

"She's some kinda monster, see!?"

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